The BCP SACRE Agreed Syllabus for RE:
RE-Focus, for 2023-2028

BCP RE Agreed Syllabus 2023-2028
This agreed syllabus, the first by Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole local authority, following the unification of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole into one council in 2019, reflects the importance that Religious Studies has for children’s and young people’s understanding of the world in which we all live.
Central to the aim of the syllabus, is the belief that excellent teaching of Religious Studies supports children and young people to have respect for themselves and others, whilst also supporting and developing a fundamental appreciation of the significance of belief(s) in people’s lives.
Our syllabus develops a ‘worldviews’ approach to the teaching of this subject, in a deliberate attempt to raise awareness of unconscious bias and discrimination, treating all worldviews, including religions, as of equal relevance and significance. Schools are asked to consider the different ‘ways of knowing’ that they could choose to build into their schemes of work to enable pupils to understand beliefs from different perspectives, using a range of approaches, from philosophy to theology.
The development of this syllabus has taken account of the previous syllabi for Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset, and has been written in consultation with teachers, children and young people, Religious Education and Diocesan advisers, BCP SACRE members and worldview communities; all of whom have given their time freely to ensure the syllabus is not only up to date in its pedagogy but is also mindful of the challenge a new syllabus creates for busy teachers. Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole Council welcomes all schools situated in its boundaries to use our REfocus syllabus freely.
To support schools to implement the new syllabus, there will be sample materials available for teachers to download, use as they are or tailor for their classrooms. It is hoped that these sample materials will give guidance and examples of how to successfully translate the agreed syllabus into a workable and meaningful scheme of work for your school.
Key Documents and Policies
Resources for Download
Support materials by age phase for download :
In addition to these sample materials and as additional support for schools, there will also be a year-long series of network /training events.
The schedule of dates for these is included here and there is no charge for attending.
Schedule for Support Events
We hope the sample materials and support event schedule will help schools make a successful transition to fully implementing the RE-Focus syllabus so that this is in place ready for January 2024.
The BCP SACRE continues to assure schools of its support and looks forward to seeing the RE learning across our schools progress.
Multi-academy trusts who have schools outside of the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole unitary authority area or other local authorities, who wish to use or adapt our syllabus should contact our adviser at sacre@bcpcouncil.gov.uk
In an ever turbulent yet wonderful world, Religious Studies can be a key contributor to a meaningful educational experience. We commend this syllabus to schools, assuring them of support to implement it for the benefit of our children and young people’s learning.